Tags:Data breachEDPBGuidelines EDPB launches public consultation on guidelines on data breach notification examples
Tags:CNILData breachHealth sector CNIL announces two fines against two doctors amounting to EUR 9,000 for failure to ensure the security of patient data
Tags:Data breachGDPR fineICO UK ICO UK issues fine of GBP 18.4 million for failure to ensure security of data
Tags:COVID-19Data breachSecurity of processing Public Health Wales announces data of 18,105 Welsh residents tested positive for COVID-19 was made publicly available by mistake
Tags:Data breachInvestigationSecurity of processing Polish DPA announces investigation into a data breach suffered by a fast-food chain
Tags:Data breachGDPR fineSecurity of processing Romanian DPA imposes new fine for failure to ensure data security
Tags:Data breachSecurity of processingArticles Danger is real, fear is a choice – security measures under GDPR