GDPR | 4-year anniversary – Our top picks of past and upcoming judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Union
Tags:Data breachGDPR fineProcessorUpdateIn the spotlight Romanian DPA fines controller with EUR 4000 following data breach
Tags:controllerEDPBGuidelinesLead AuthorityProcessorRight of accessUpdateIn the spotlight The final versions of the Guidelines on the right of access and Guidelines on identifying a controller or processor’s LSA are now available
Tags:Corrective measuresData breachDPADPA investigationGDPR fineProcessorSecurity of processingIn the spotlight The Romanian DPA fines the Romanian Post acting as processor following a data breach notification
Tags:AccuracyBankGDPR fineProcessorUpdatewarningIn the spotlight Major bank acting as processor fined by the Romanian DPA
Tags:DPADPA investigationGDPR fineProcessorSecurity of processingUpdateIn the spotlight The Romanian DPA fines yet another data processor for failure to ensure data security
Tags:DPADPA investigationGDPR fineProcessorSecurity of processingUpdateIn the spotlight The Romanian DPA fines yet another data processor for failure to ensure data security
Tags:Data breachDPADPA investigationGDPR fineProcessorSecurity of processingUpdate The Romanian DPA fines processor EUR 2,000 for failure to ensure data security
Tags:Corrective measuresData breachData subject's rightsDPAGDPR fineHealth DataProcessor New sanctions imposed by the Romanian DPA on a medical service provider for several GDPR breaches
Tags:Banking sectorDPAGDPR fineProcessorSecurity of processingUpdate The Romanian DPA issues EUR 1,500 fine for failure to ensure personal data security in the banking sector
Tags:controllerEuropean CommissionProcessorStandard Contractual ClausesUpdate European Commission publishes standard contractual clauses draft under Article 28 of the GDPR