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Author: Laura Agatinei
The Romanian law transposing the European Electronic Communications Code has finally entered into force
On 10 July 2022, the long-awaited Romanian law transposing the European Electronic Communications Co…
Tags:DPADPA investigationGDPR fine
The Romanian DPA fines yet another data processor for failure to ensure data security
On 11 July 2022, the Romanian DPA announced it sanctioned a courier services company with a EUR 3,00…
Tags:DPADPA investigationGDPR fine
The Romanian DPA fines yet another data processor for failure to ensure data security
On 11 July 2022, the Romanian DPA announced it sanctioned a courier services company with a EUR 3,00…
Tags:DPADPA investigationGDPR fine
The Romanian DPA fines a software company EUR 4 ,000 for failure to ensure data security and non-compliance with the request of information during investigation
On July 7 2022, the Romanian DPA announced it sanctioned a software company with two fines amounting…
Tags:UpdateWhistleblower LawWhistleblowing
Romania adopts the Whistleblowing Law
On 29 June 2022, the Chamber of Deputies adopted the Law on the protection of whistleblowers in the …
Tags:DPADPA investigationGDPR fine
The Romanian DPA fines an Owners` Association EUR 7,000 for several GDPR violations
On 20 June 2022, the Romanian DPA announced it sanctioned an Owners Association with a two fines amo…
Tags:Data breachDPADPA investigation
The Romanian DPA fines a processor with EUR 1,000 for unauthorized disclosure of personal data
On 20 June 2022, the Romanian DPA announced it sanctioned a marketing agency with a EUR 1,000 fine f…
Tags:Data Protection OfficerDPOFlavia Lungu
Dismissal of the data protection officer
Authors: Iurie Cojocaru and Flavia Lungu
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) i…Tags:Corrective measuresData breachDPA
The Romanian DPA fines a retailer EUR 3,000 for unauthorized disclosure of personal data
On 15 June 2022, the Romanian DPA announced it sanctioned a retailer with a EUR 3,000 fine for discl…