The final versions of three EDPB guidelines are now available following public consultationOn 24 February 2023, the European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”) published the three guidelines adop…
EDPB publishes its opinion on the Romanian draft requirements for accreditation of a code of conduct monitoring bodyOn 17 February 2023, the European Data Protection Board (“EDPB”) published its Opinion 3/2023 on the…
Provider of recruitment services platform fined EUR 5,000 by the Romanian DPA for data breachOn 8 February 2023, the Romanian DPA announced it sanctioned a provider of a recruitment services pl…
The Romanian DPA sanctions a major retailer with 1,000 EUR for failure to ensure the erasure of dataOn 18 January 2023, the Romanian DPA announced it sanctioned a major retailer with a 1,000 EUR fine …
Logistics network fined 2,000 EUR by the Romanian DPA for failing to ensure the security of processingOn 12 January 2023, the Romanian DPA announced it sanctioned a logistics network with a 2,000 EUR fi…
CJEU judgment on data subjects’ access right (degree of detail regarding recipients)On 12 January 2023, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) delivered its ruling in Case C…
Meta fined with €390 million for breaches of the lawfulness and transparency requirementsOn 4 January 2023, the Data Protection Commission (DPC) announced that it has issued fines amounting…
Water and sewage services provider fined EUR 3,000 by the Romanian DPA for unlawfully disclosing e-mail addressesOn 4 January 2023, the Romanian DPA announced it sanctioned a water and sewage services provider wit…
The Romanian DPA fines a major hypermarket chain for failure to ensure security of processingOn 27 December 2022, the Romanian DPA announced it sanctioned a major hypermarket chain with a 3,000…
Real estate broker sanctioned by the Romanian DPA over data breach and cookie consent violationsOn 22 December 2022, the Romanian DPA announced several sanctions imposed on a real estate broker, a…