Tags:ePrivacy RegulationUpdate Council of the European Union agrees on negotiating position for revised ePrivacy rules
Tags:Banking sectorDPAGDPR fine Romanian DPA fines bank for failure to ensure security of personal data
Tags:BISBulletinCOVID-19 The Bank for International Settlements publishes bulletin on COVID-19 and cyber risk in the financial sector
Tags:AEPDConsentGDPR fine Spanish DPA fines bank with EUR 6M for lack of valid consent and transparency failures
Tags:CJEULead AuthorityOne-stop-shop CJEU Advocate General delivers opinion on cross-border data processing
Tags:Enforcement ActionICO UKSecurity of processing Motor industry employee sentenced to eight months’ imprisonment for transferring personal data without authorization
Tags:Employee dataGDPR fineUpdate The Lower Saxony DPA announces sanction of EUR 10,4M for unlawful employee video monitoring
Tags:Data protection and privacyData Protection by defaultData Protection by design EDPS publishes a brief report on Personal Information Management Systems