Tags:Accountabilitydata minimizationDPA investigationGDPR fineGDPR principlesstorage limitationUpdateIn the spotlight The Romanian DPA fines controller for breaches of GDPR requirements related to GPS monitoring
Tags:Accountabilitydata minimizationDPADPA investigationGDPR fineGDPR principlesUpdateIn the spotlight The Romanian DPA fines a political party EUR 10,000 for failure to ensure data minimization and accountability principles
Tags:CJEUdata minimizationData subject's rightsGDPR principlesJudgmentIn the spotlight CJEU delivers judgment on producing a document containing personal data as evidence in judicial proceedings
Tags:Corrective measuresDPADPA investigationGDPR fineGDPR principlesLegal basisPublic authoritiesIn the spotlight The Romanian DPA sanctions a public authority for failure to implement the previously imposed measures
Tags:DPADPIAGDPR principlesLegal basisMonitoringPublic authoritiesTransparencyIn the spotlight The Romanian DPA issues a press release on video monitoring by public authorities
Tags:DPADPIAGDPR principlesLegal basisMonitoringPublic authoritiesTransparencyIn the spotlight NIS2 Directive was adopted
Tags:DPADPIAGDPR principlesLegal basisMonitoringPublic authoritiesTransparencyIn the spotlight NIS2 Directive was adopted
Tags:DPADPA investigationGDPR fineGDPR principlesindividualLegal basisSecurity of processingIn the spotlight The Romanian DPA fines a private individual for breaching several GDPR principles
Tags:DPADPA investigationGDPR fineGDPR principlesUpdateIn the spotlight The Romanian DPA fines an Owners` Association EUR 7,000 for several GDPR violations
Tags:Best practicesData subject's rightsEDPBGDPR principlesGuidelinesPublic consultationSocial Media EDPB launches public consultation regarding guidelines on dark patterns in social media platform interfaces