Tags:Advertising sectorCorrective measuresGDPR fine Romanian DPA applies new fine for failure to respond to its requests
Tags:AIArtificial intelligenceLegislative proposal EU Parliament publishes informative paper on AI EU Framework
Tags:EDPBGuidelinesUpdate EDPB Guidelines on the concept of relevant and reasoned objection are now available
Tags:Banking sectorEBAGuidelines EBA proposes the revision of the Guidelines on major incident reporting under PDS2
Tags:DPAE-commerceGDPR fine A new fine imposed by Romanian DPA for failure to ensure security of data
Tags:Best practicesCNILTrade Union Data CNIL publishes best practices in handling union membership files
Tags:EDPBGuidelinesUpdate EDPB adopts guidelines on the concept of relevant and reasoned objection under Article 65 of the GDPR
Tags:AEPDData Protection by defaultGuidelines New guide on data protection by default adopted by the Spanish DPA