EDPB Guidelines on targeting social media users and on controller/processor concepts are now availableThe EDPB published on its website the two guidelines adopted during its 37th plenary session: G…
Polish DPA announces investigation into a data breach suffered by a fast-food chainOn 7 September 2020, the Polish DPA announced it has started an investigation into a data breach suf…
Romanian DPA imposes new fine for failure to ensure data securityOn 8 September 2020, the Romanian DPA announced a fine of EUR 2,000 was imposed on a data controller…
EDPB adopts two guidelines and creates task forces following CJEU Schrems II ruling During its 37th plenary session, the EDPB: adopted Guidelines on the concepts of contro…
LIBE meeting on the future of EU-US data transfersOn 3 September 2020, the European Commissioner for Justice, the EDPB Chair, and NOYB Founder Maximil…
The Spanish DPA issues a EUR 75,000 fine to a telecom operatorOn 1 September 2020, the Spanish DPA (AEPD) issued a EUR 75,000 fine to a telecom operator. The AEPD…
The Czech DPA updates FAQs on data transfers to third countriesOn 2 September 2020, the Czech DPA updated its FAQs on data transfers to third countries following t…
EDPS releases orientations on temperatures checks by EU institutionsOn 1 September 2020, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) published orientations on the bo…
ICO UK’s Age Appropriate Design Code came into forceOn 2 September 2020, the UK’s DPA (ICO UK) announced the Age Appropriate Design Code has come into f…
Romanian DPA imposes a new fine in the video surveillance areaOn 1 September 2020, the Romanian DPA announced a fine of EUR 500 was imposed against an association…