GDPR | 4-year anniversary – Our top picks of past and upcoming judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Union
Tags:AdvertisingCNILConsentCookiesCross-borderData subject's rightsIn the spotlight The CNIL fines a company specialized in online advertising EUR 40M over several GDPR violations, including consent requirements
Tags:CNILConsentCookiesDecisionePrivacy DirectiveGDPR fine The CNIL decisions sanctioning Google and Facebook for unlawful use of cookies are now available in English
Tags:CNILFAQLegal basisStandardUpdateVulnerable individuals CNIL issues new data processing standard on social and medico-social care of vulnerable individuals
Tags:CNILCollection of dataEDPBgdprVirtual Voice AssistantsArticles We received unwanted data. How do we handle them?
Tags:CNILCOVID-19Health DataUpdate CNIL issues recommendations on data collection in the context of COVID-19 vaccination
Tags:AdvertisingCNILConsentGDPR fineUnsolicited commercial communicationsUpdate CNIL announces two fines amounting to EUR 27,300 for unlawful commercial communications
Tags:CNILData breachHealth sectorSecurity of processingUpdate CNIL announces two fines against two doctors amounting to EUR 9,000 for failure to ensure the security of patient data
Tags:AdvertisingCNILCookiesGDPR fineTrackingUpdate CNIL announces sanctions of EUR 100M and EUR 35M for unlawful cookie practices