Tags:Banking sectorEDPBGuidelines Joint payment industry associations’ letter on the EDPB Guidelines on PSD2 and GDPR interplay
Tags:Data Protection by defaultData Protection by designEDPB EDPB adopts the final version of the Guidelines on Data Protection by Design & Default
Tags:EDPBGuidelinesUpdate EDPB Guidelines on the concept of relevant and reasoned objection are now available
Tags:EDPBGuidelinesUpdate EDPB adopts guidelines on the concept of relevant and reasoned objection under Article 65 of the GDPR
Tags:CJEUcontrollerData transfers EDPB adopts two guidelines and creates task forces following CJEU Schrems II ruling
Tags:Cross-borderEDPBOne-stop-shop EDPB publishes the new register containing One-Stop-Shop decisions