Tags:Article 65DecisionDispute Resolution EDPB adopts its first decision on the basis of Art. 65 of the GDPR
Tags:Data transfersEDPSSchrems II EDPS issues strategy for EU institutions’ compliance with Schrems II case
Tags:Data breachGDPR fineICO UK ICO UK issues fine of GBP 18.4 million for failure to ensure security of data
Tags:Data Protection by defaultData Protection by designEDPB The final version of the EDPB Guidelines on Data Protection by Design & Default is now available
Tags:Banking sectorEDPBGuidelines Joint payment industry associations’ letter on the EDPB Guidelines on PSD2 and GDPR interplay
Tags:Data brokingDirect MarketingEnforcement Action ICO UK takes enforcement action against a credit reference agency
Tags:Digital trendsEU CouncilUpdate Draft Charter of Digital Rights to be presented in 2021 by the Portuguese EU presidency