Tags:AIArtificial intelligenceLegislative proposal EU Parliament calls for a regulation on AI ethical implications to be adopted
Tags:Contact TracingCOVID-19Update CNIL publishes guidance on customer data registers in the COVID-19 context
Tags:CJEU JudgmentLocation dataRetention CJEU issues judgments on unlawfulness of indiscriminate access and retention of traffic and location data
Tags:AdvertisingCNILTracking Two studies on online targeted advertising published by CNIL’s Digital Innovation Lab
Tags:CJEULead AuthorityOne-stop-shop CJEU hearing on the Belgian DPA’s competence to proceed against Facebook Ireland
Tags:Corrective measuresGDPR fineUpdate Romanian DPA applies 2 new fines for failure to respond to its requests
Tags:Employee dataGDPR fineMonitoring Hamburg DPA fines clothing-retailer with approx. EUR 35,3 Million