Tags:GDPR fineLeasing sectorSecurity of processing A new fine imposed by the Romanian DPA for failure to ensure the security of processing
Tags:BrexitData transfersUpdate European Commission publishes an overview of the expected changes at the end of the Brexit transition period
Tags:AIArtificial intelligenceTechnology EDPS publishes its opinion on the Commission’s White Paper on AI
Tags:Cross-borderEDPBOne-stop-shop EDPB publishes the new register containing One-Stop-Shop decisions
Tags:BiometricTechnologyUpdate EDPS releases a joint paper with the Spanish DPA on biometric identification
Tags:CNILCookiesGDPR fine France’s Council of State publishes its decision on Google’s appeal against the EUR 50M fine imposed by the CNIL
Tags:Connected TVDigital advertisingGuidelines IAB publishes new guidelines on digital advertising and on Connected TV
Tags:GDPR fineSecurity of processingUpdate A new fine imposed by the Romanian DPA for accidental disclosure of data