Tags:CNILData breachHealth sector CNIL announces two fines against two doctors amounting to EUR 9,000 for failure to ensure the security of patient data
Tags:Data Protection by designtionTechnologyUpdate CNIL publishes white paper on voice assistants and data protection best practices
Tags:European CommissionInteroperabilityUpdate The European Commission clears acquisition of Fitbit by Google, subject to conditions
Tags:Banking sectorDPAGDPR fine A new fine imposed by the Romanian DPA for failure to ensure data security
Tags:AdvertisingCNILCookies CNIL announces sanctions of EUR 100M and EUR 35M for unlawful cookie practices
Tags:CJEUData transfersSchrems II Irish DPA publishes information on the upcoming judicial review proceedings regarding EU-US data transfers
Tags:Association of ownersGuidanceRomanian DPA Romanian DPA issues guidance on the processing of personal data by the associations of owners
Tags:CNILData subject's rightsGuidance CNIL publishes a draft recommendation on the exercise of data protection rights through a mandate