GDPR | 4-year anniversary – Our top picks of past and upcoming judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Union
Tags:CybersecurityLegislative proposalNIS DirectiveNIS2 DirectiveIn the spotlight The Romanian cybersecurity authority publishes the draft law on the transposition of NIS2 Directive
Tags:Action PlanArticleCybersecurityNIS2StrategyArticles Romania`s cybersecurity strategy – a short introduction
Tags:CommissionCybersecurityECCCUpdate European Cybersecurity Competence Centre elects Governing Board`s chair and posts list of National Coordination Centres
Tags:CybersecurityNIS2RecommendationsUpdate Tech Industry publishes Recommendations for the NIS2 Trilogue Negotiations
Tags:CybersecurityDecisionStrategyUpdate Romania’s new Cybersecurity Strategy and Action Plan for 2022-2027 approved
Tags:CybersecurityGoTech WorldSpeakerSpeaking engagements Roxana Ionescu – Speaker at GoTech World 2021