Tags:Employee dataGaranteGDPR fine The Italian DPA announced a EUR 20,000 fine for internal policy violating the employees’ confidentiality and dignity
Tags:AdvertisingCNILConsent CNIL announces two fines amounting to EUR 27,300 for unlawful commercial communications
Tags:Corrective measuresDPAGDPR fine A new fine imposed by the Romanian DPA for failure to ensure data security
Tags:Corrective measuresDPALaw enforcement sector The Romanian DPA imposes two new sanctions on public authorities
Tags:Corrective measuresDPAGDPR fine A new fine imposed by the Romanian DPA for failure to provide the information it requested
Tags:Data subject's rightsEDPBGuidelines EDPB’s Guidelines on restrictions under Article 23 of the GDPR are now available
Tags:Banking sectorData transfersEDPB EDPB publishes several documents adopted during its 43rd Plenary session
Tags:Children's DataData Protection by defaultData Protection by design The Irish DPA publishes Fundamentals for a Child-Oriented Approach to Data Processing draft
Tags:BrexitCodeData transfers ICO UK releases new Data Sharing Code of Practice and related resources